Monday, January 10, 2011

Recreating Facebook Using Indesign

To recreate the look of Facebook you need to take a couple things into count. You need to create or find a font that looks like the one Facebook uses. You need the colours of the pages to match that of the websites. You also have to make sure that other parts from Facebook are present in your recreation and on top of all that you need to make sure that all of those elements contrast together to replicate the website.

When trying to create Facebook I tried to take the top toolbar you would find on a Facebook page and incorporate that to make the whole page look like a page on the site. When I was creating it I tried to visualize what a normal yearbook page would look like with the fonts and colours Facebook uses. There are many different pages that could be used for many different sections of the yearbook. For example an event page on Facebook could be used for different events at our school. It would show the date say you are attending then have different photos of the event and a description.

I find that our team was successful at creating a page that looked like Facebook although it was difficult using a program that was new to us. We found that we created something we were happy with and could be mistaken for the real Facebook page. We encountered one problem and that was to do with screenshots. Screenshots that were taken of the pages in Facebook can be blurry if not put in Indesign correctly, but we got around this problem.

Are team worked effectively as a whole. Each member contributed to the final project. Connor and Daniel brainstormed as Cameron and i Produced it in Indesign and made it work. When we were done we made changes we thought would work as a group. This was a fun assignment and i hope to be able to use what we learned shortly.

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