Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Photoshop Poster Assignment

Photoshop Poster Assignment

The images used on the poster were selected to tie into the themes and symbols used throughout Lord of the Flies. The image of the Lord of the Flies, the severed pig’s head on the stake, represents the boy’s fear of the unknown on the island. It also represents the savagery present on the island and present in some of the boys. The signal fire represents the hope for being rescued and provides a sense of safety. The background of the poster is a beautiful beach scene that is like paradise. The heaviness of the tree branch across the top third was intended to provide a darker contrast to the beach scene. The lone boy pictured on the beach represents Jack and the worst of what the boys have become. He shows how they have changed without the presence of adults and order. Overall we chose images for the poster that support the themes of the novel.

For the image of the pig, we used the polygonal lasso tool in Photoshop. This tool is used to select specific areas of an image. Prior to using this tool, we had a picture which included a pig on a stake. By using the tool we selected just the pig and the stake and copied the selected image to the beach background. We then used the erase tool to remove the unwanted parts of the pig image. We also used the colour replacement tool to enhance the colour of the pig. This resulted in a brighter picture with high contrast.

The text that is on the tree branch was created by using the text tool within Photoshop with an appropriate style of text. To be able to manipulate each letter of the text, each letter was a different layer. This made it possible to rotate and size each letter appropriately to the shape and size of the tree branch. The text flows along the tree and is easy to read against the black background.

The spot healing tool was another very useful tool that we used. The point of this tool is to completely erase small parts of an image. In the background of the beach image, there were boats, a dock, houses and people. To remove these from the image, the spot healing tool was used to colour over the spots that were not appropriate to the image for the poster.

Cameron and I divided the work equally. He chose to do the text and two polygonal lasso tool items (Jack and the pig’s head). I did the other item (Rocks) and also placed and fixed the font, and changed the pig’s color. We both worked on the fire smoke together trying to make is look as realistic is as possible. We made the choice to split the work in this way because we felt that we had the same level of skill in Photoshop and it divided the work effort fairly. We both contributed to the poster equally.

We used images for the poster from a variety of sources. They are listed below. The details regarding ticket prices and dates were obtained from a cast member.

Images Used:

Beach Background:

Pig Head: (Screen shot from the movie Lord of the Flies)

Bon Fire:

Bon fire Rocks: Image ID: anim0420, NOAA's Ark - Animals Collection

Jack: (Screen shot from movie Lord of the Flies)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Photoshop Assignment: Changes

My changed image is very different from my original image.
To make the colours from the original photo standout, I copied then created a new black and white layer. I used the erase tool on the black and white layer in the places I wanted colour. I used the colour replacement tool to make the colours brighter. I think this really brought out the graffiti and skateboarder in the background.
I made a mask of another copied image and placed it in front of the skateboarder. I did this to give the effect of the skateboarder moving forward. I used the erase tool to make the edges less noticeable. I believe this worked well and helped make the image more interesting.
The filter effects in photoshop can give your photo some unique effects. I noticed that shadows were being made as if the sun was coming from the top left of the photo so I decided to use the lens flare in the filter section to give the photo added sunlight. I think that it complimented the image and helped to give the photo a nice bright quality in the upper half.
I tried to add what I have learned in photoshop so far to enhance this image and make it more appealing. I really liked how the changed image turned out. It makes an interesting photo that is cool to look at and has a bold colour scheme.

Photoshop Assignment: Original Image

This photo is taken at a skatepark. It is taken with the ledge in focus and the people behind and other things out of focus. I like this photo because there is a lot of colour in it and there is a nice composition.

File Info : The pictures information.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Photo Analysis Number 1

Photo Analysis Number 1

In a photograph the “Rule of Thirds” is a very important aspect to a strong picture. Following the “Rule of Thirds” enhances the composition and it reinforces the way that people naturally look at an image. I have chosen two photographs; one that I believe demonstrates good use of the rule and one that does not. GOOD

This photo shows a snowboarder in mid-air. The boarder, or subject, is situated at the top-right focal point. Your eye is naturally drawn to the subject of the image and the placement adds to the appeal and interest of the photograph. In the top-left is a tree and blowing snow. It indicates where the snowboarder took-off from the jump. The use of light in this photo is very strong because there are various levels of light that help enhance the overall image. The way the light hits the snow makes the image brighter and more compelling than it would be without the variations. The depth of field in this photo is good because the whole image is in focus even though the elements are different distances from the photographer. The background setting goes well with the picture. It is a simple background and is not distracting and it does not compete with the subject. It is easy on the eyes and it draws you in. Overall, I think that this is an excellent example of a good photo. BAD

In this picture I feel that there is simply too much going on. There is no subject and it is impossible to get a feel for what the photographer is trying to show. There are so many distracting details that it gives an overall feeling of chaos. Additionally, parts of the image are out of focus in a non-pleasing way. The shot is being taken from too far away and makes it difficult to see people’s faces and emotions. The bright light in the centre is hard on the eyes and feels almost out of place in the shot. The light adds nothing to the composition of the photo. Although the Spanish team is in the bottom-left focal point of the photograph, the bright light in the centre still detracts from the positioning of the team. Without reading the caption on the photograph, it would be difficult to determine what exactly is happening at the time it was taken. The yellow confetti obscures much of what is beneath it and adds to the overall feeling of confusion that the photograph creates.

When looking at these two photos it really reveals that the saying “less is more” is definitely true in this case. The simple photo of the snowboarder shows much from little, while the chaotic crowd scene is overwhelming.

Monday, September 20, 2010

“How A Picture Can Tell a Story”

A story can be told to you not just by words, but by pictures. Pictures can tell you a great deal. They can convey emotion, ideas, the mood and important messages all of which are very significant elements in story telling. Even if photographs do not reveal everything, they still capture moments and that is the reason that people become so fond of photography.

In the book The Power of Photography by Edward Burtynsky and the documentary Manufactured Landscapes there is allot of important and meaningful images. Edward Burtynsky uses his pictures to tell reveal the manufacturing industry in China. He has taken a series of photographs and each one enhances the ideas that he is trying to express. I think Burtynsky is trying to show the effect that the manufacturing industry is having on the workers. The conditions show that their environment is very orderly, precise, crowded and routine. In the documentary it is shown the skill that the workers needs is the ability to work quickly, with focus and to endure long hours for little pay. At one point, workers are seen handling and sorting disposed material. They are wearing masks, but it looks like a situation that could be hazardous to their health. Workers are treated poorly and are spoken to with little respect. One group that had a poor production over a certain time period was being criticized and berated by their group leader. He did not talk to them in a way that would motivate, but more like he was trying to frighten them into working harder and faster. The mood of the photographs and the documentary are that the workforce is not treated much differently than soldiers in the military. The workers are in uniform and everyone looks the similar. There is no place for personal expression.

Burtynsky's photographs were effective. I believe that they showed the conditions that the workers experience. The collection of photographs was complete enough to show that the situation was happening in many places in China, not just in one or two isolated factories. Not only did he reveal the working conditions and the toll that is being taken on the Chinese workers, he showed the environmental impact that the manufacturing industry is having on China. Huge amounts of waste and garbage are being created.

I chose the photograph below as an example of another work that brings out similar ideas and emotions relating to the manufacturing industry. Although no individual workers are part of this image, it shows the human costs of manufacturing. Industry is polluting the environment and it shows that working in this kind of environment may cause health issues. It is a powerful photograph because of the way the lighting enhances the image.

Photographs like Edward Burtynsky's tell a visual story that can even be more informative than a written one. They help us to understand what other people are experiencing and feeling. I mean as the saying goes "A picture is worth a thousand words"